Paavo Pylkkänen

Paavo Pylkkänen (born 1959 ) is a Finnish philosopher of mind. He is associate professor in philosophy at Skövde University College and adjunct professor of philosophy at the University of Helsinki. He is particularly known for his work on mind-body-studies, building on David Bohm's interpretation of quantum mechanics, in particular Bohm's view of the cosmos as an enfolding and unfolding whole including mind and matter.

Pylkkänen's areas of specialization are the mind-body problem, the basis of cognitive science, philosophy of physics, the philosophy of David Bohm and the foundations of quantum theory.

Since 1996 he has been employed at the University of Skövde in Skövde, Sweden, where he initiated a consciousness studies program combining philosophy and cognitive neuroscience. From 2008 to 2010 he worked as university lecturer in theoretical philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, the University of Helsinki. He is currently associate professor in philosophy at the newly founded Department of Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy at the University of Skövde, while also working as an adjunct professor (docent) at the Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki.

Pylkkänen has worked and published together with theoretical physicist Basil Hiley, close co-worker of David Bohm over three decades. Hiley and Pylkkänen together addressed the question of the relation between mind and matter by the hypothesis of an active information within the conceptual framework of the de Broglie–Bohm theory. Pylkkänen's work Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order (2007) builds upon David Bohm 's ontological interpretation of quantum theory, in which quantum processes are understood as a holomovement in terms of implicate and explicate orders.[1][2][3]


Articles and book chapters


  1. ^ Active information and cognitive science – A reply to Kieseppä, Brain, Mind and Physics, P. Pylkkänen et al (Eds.), IOS Press, 1997, ISBN 90-5199-254-8, p. 64 ff.
  2. ^ Basil J. Hiley, Paavo Pylkkänen: Naturalizing the mind in a quantum framework. In Paavo Pylkkänen and Tere Vadén (eds.): Dimensions of conscious experience, Advances in Consciousness Research, Volume 37, John Benjamins B.V., 2001, ISBN 90-272-5157, pages 119-144
  3. ^ Basil J. Hiley, Paavo Pylkkänen: Can mind affect matter via active information, Mind & Matter Vol. 3(2), pp. 7–27, Imprint Academic, 2005

External links